Monday, September 30, 2019

The Significance of the Manner in Which Ophelia Dies

There on the pendant boughs her coronet weeds/ Clambering to hang, an envious sliver broke,] When down her weedy trophies and herself/ Fell in the weeping brook. Her clothes spread wide,] And mermaid-like awhile they bore her up†¦ (line 197-201 , Act 4, Scene 7). Shakespeare, by â€Å"letting† Aphelia drowns herself, to some extents alleviates the pain of death and pictures a beautiful Aphelia drowned In water with her beauty minded and preserved.By comparing Aphelia to a mermaid-like figure, Shakespeare gives unreal characteristics to her death and makes it smoother for Aphelia, whose life has been tragic enough. The fact that Aphelia was suffocated under her own dress and that her feminine clothes made her impossible to swim is a metaphor of women's helplessness at the time being – Aphelia dies without any self- defense or mobility. Shakespeare implies the role of women in society and how being a woman gives Aphelia no chance to react even in death.At the same ti me, Aphelia peps singing: Which time she chanted snatches of old lauds/ As one incapable of her own distress/ Or Like a creature native and endued/ Unto that element. (line 202-205, Act 4, Scene 7). Her chanting reminds audience of her madness In Scene 5 and 6, In which she sings songs about men and death. Audience may Identify Aphelion's chanting as a trace of madness, but also her singing on the verge of death portrays a passive let-go of Life – Aphelia clearly has no Intention of fighting back or even crying out for help. Compared to Aphelion's conversations with Polonium andHamlet throughout the play, it is clear that Aphelia never has any voice or reaction to the events of her life – her madness, her destiny and even her death are caused and retold by others. For several times throughout the play Aphelia is pictured with flowers. At the end of Act 4, Scene 7, her death is again associated with symbolic floral images: Therewith fantastic garlands did she make/ Of c ornflowers, nettles, daisies, and long purples/ That liberal shepherds give a grosser name/ But our cold maids do â€Å"dead men's fingers† call them. Nine 193-196, Act 4, Scene 7). Flowers are symbols of Aphelion's tragic life, being a victim of disruptive events mostly caused by men. Cornflower symbolizes a dream of lover, portraying a dying Aphelia still thinking about Hamlet and his love[l]. Nettles signify her bad luck and tragic destiny; while daisies represent innocent love[2]. The long purples represent Aphelion's loss in love Wendell at ten same time audience can assume Tanat â€Å"a grosser name† raters to sexuality[3].By calling long purples â€Å"dead men's fingers†, Shakespeare implies the causes of Aphelion's death as her life is destined by men (Hamlet, Polonium and Alerts); reminding audience of the song which she sings earlier: Larded all with sweet flowers/ Which between to the ground did not go/ With true-love showers. (line 43-45, Act 4, Scen e 5). By associating Aphelion's figure with the presence of flowers, Shakespeare also lets audience know about women's beauty and fragility as that of flowers: although women are romantic and pretty outside, they are truly somber and vulnerable indeed.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Products from Organisms, Biological Systems and Processes

Plants are essential to life on earth because they capture light energy and convert it into a form – chemical energy – usable by all organisms. Taking the simple molecules carbon dioxide and water, they convert these into a wide range of energy-rich organic substances to serve their needs but which also fulfil the needs of other organisms. All organisms are made up of the same basic biochemicals, so plants are a ready source of these staple foods – carbohydrates, proteins and fats, along with other essential nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Of the plant species named to date (over 270 000), about 80 000 plants are known to be edible but only around thirty of these are grown as crop plants – wheat, rice, maize and potatoes provide more of the world's food than all other crops combined.Muscular System: Muscle Metabolism As well as these staple foods, plants produce thousands of more subtle chemicals which man and other organisms have made use of. These include herbs, spices and fragrances, drinks, textiles, construction materials, dyes, fuels and medicines. Many new, revolutionary treatments, and hopes for the future, of diseases such as cancer are derived from plants, e.g. taxol from the Pacific yew. Products from Micro-organisms We know that micro-organisms were first used in brewing and baking in ancient Sumeria about 6000 years ago. The first micro-organisms were observed by Anton van Leeuwenhoek in the mid seventeenth century, but the involvement of micro-organisms in brewing was not recognised until the work of Louis Pasteur in 1856. Nowadays many products are produced using micro-organisms, including foods (beer, bread, cheese, yogurt, Single Cell Protein, e.g. Quorn, medicines (e.g. antibiotics such as penicillin) and using chemicals that micro-organisms produce as sources of energy (e.g. methanogenic and other bacteria producing â€Å"biogas†, ethanol). It is the chemicals that the micro-organisms produce as part of their metabolism that make them useful. Applications of Biological Systems and Processes As biotechnology has advanced, biotechnologists have not only made use of the organism themselves, but biological systems and processes. These technologies make use of DNA: * Enzymes: Enzymes are chemicals which speed up biological reactions. The use of enzymes by humans really began thousands of years ago, but when they were in the cells of organisms. More recently it has been realised that these would work better isolated from cells. Probably the first use of isolated enzymes was â€Å"takadiastase† – prepared from a fungus on wheat bran. * DNA fingerprinting: Each individual on the planet (except for identical twins) is unique because of the combination of their genes and differences in large areas of the DNA that do not carry genes. In the early 1980s, Professor Alec Jeffreys, at the University of Leicester, showed that DNA, extracted from an individual could be broken into sections using enzymes, then separated into bands using a technique called electrophoresis. Because of similarities and differences in banding patterns, this technique can be used in forensic science, questions of paternity and in the diagnosis of genetic diseases. Detailed Notes Application of Enzymes Applications of enzymes nowadays include: * Industrial applications: Enzymes from bacteria which help to break down proteins and fats are used in biological washing powders. Dish washer powders often contain amylases to break down starch. * Food industry: Many enzymes are used in the production of cheese and by some brewers in beer production. In baking, amylases are added to flour to speed up the breakdown of starch into glucose, for use by the yeast. * Textiles: Starch has been used as a coating on fabrics to prevent damage during weaving. This can be removed by bacterial amylases. * Medicine: Biosensors can be used, for instance, to test a person's blood cholesterol. Strips impregnated with enzymes are used to test for glucose, for instance in urine.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Nurses' and patients' perception of digniy Essay

Nurses' and patients' perception of digniy - Essay Example 143). Method or Design Phenomenological research is a science that deals with describing, interpreting and understanding human experiences of individuals, particularly patients and nurses. In this research, nurses were asked to tell their experiences with patients whose dignity was maintained or compromised. Patients were also asked about their hospital experiences in which their dignity was maintained or compromised. The whole process was done through unstructured interviews which lasted for about half an hour, and audiotaped by the researchers. The unstructured interview is used to motivate the participants to relate their stories at their convenient time. In arranging for interviews, the researcher informs the participants about the aim of the interview, the time frame, and the method it will be conducted whether audio-taped or video-taped. The participant have to be informed that the results of the interviews will be transcribed and that some of the answers will appear in article s, but the identity of the respondents will not be revealed. An unstructured interview is considered retrospective as the participants tell about their experiences about the subject being investigated. (Morse 2001) Unstructured interviews were used to explore and gather experiential narrative material and done in such a way that the researcher and the participants were like conversing with each other. The participants were not asked about their opinion on dignity but on their experiences wherein their dignity was maintained or compromised. After the interviews, the text was interpreted and analysed using ‘an interpretative hermeneutic approach,’ whereby themes were used and assigned on the participants’ responses. Out of the interpretations, the researchers drew their conclusions on the meaning of dignity and the circumstances where dignity was maintained or compromised. Sampling Sampling or recruitment of participants was done by way of posting notices in wards of a large hospital, which meant participants were asked to volunteer on the proposed study. Five patients and four nurses responded to the call and gave their informed consent. The sampling done in the study was not representative of the population of patients and nurses in that large metropolitan hospital mentioned in the study. Posting notices in wards do not draw the desired number of participants for a sample and does not generate a general opinion of the nurses and patients. However, the researchers were sure that the participants they intended to question possessed the desired information and that they were willing to answer the questions. Moreover, researchers should always try to obtain a sample that is representative of the population of interest. (Fraenkel & Wallen 2006, p. 402) There are other ways of drawing a sample, like random sampling, stratified random sampling, and cluster sampling. A simple random sample provides opportunity for every member of the population to have ‘an equal and independent chance of being selected,’ and ‘the larger a random sample is in size, the more likely it is to represent the population’ (Fraenkel & Wallen 2006, p. 95). This was not done in the research. What the researchers should have done was to ask permission of the owners or administrators of the hospital for the research to be

Friday, September 27, 2019

Religious Rights of Women in Islam with Common Misconceptions of Research Paper

Religious Rights of Women in Islam with Common Misconceptions of Islamic Women in Western Culture - Research Paper Example In Islamic nations, and according to Sharia law, these have been conserved in a bid to empower women despite having secular western laws. As for marriage, women can either agree or refuse to marry, and the man has a responsibility to be the protectors of their wives according to the Islamic laws. Western laws have infiltrated most aspects of rights about criminal, financial and criminal law. Therefore, women have retained personal rights on a number of crucial issues that affect them. Islam, according to the Quran, advocates equality of both man and woman as God’s creations and grants women several rights that include the right to inherit property and own it. It also provides for women to be recognized as individuals with a legal personality unlike thoughts of Islamic women in the western world (Hashmi 591). This is because  the western world’s has  misconceptions of Islamic women being slaves to men in their households are greatly contradicted. However, Islamic wom en have a degree of inequality to men according to Quranic provisions that are followed in the Islamic world. The Islamic world allows for a patriarchy society where men are the leaders and are regarded as the financial providers. Moreover, Islamic religion stipulates that inheritance of women to be half of that which men receive from their parents (Hashmi 591). Thus, the misconceptions towards Islamic women in the western culture to a certain degree are justified, as the rights of women in Islam are sometimes discriminatory. In addition,  women are considered to be worth less than men; this is evident concerning bearing witness, where only the testimony of two men can hold against that of a single woman (Hashmi 592). This proves how much the religious rights of Islamic women are used against them. In western culture, Islamic women are viewed as oppressed and have no say in issues that affect them in the society. To many, this may be viewed as a misconception by the west whereas i t has a degree of truth in it. This is because those who understand the Islamic religion argue that inequality in gender issues is deeply rooted in Islamic religious literature. Moreover, rights movements are seen as products from the west and are considered secular and to have no effect in Islamic society. Therefore, Islamic women who participate in rights advocacy perceive themselves as facing oppression from their own religious beliefs; hence, they are alienated from the society.   However, there are groups of Islamic women who attempt to rewrite the religious rights granted to them by the same Islamic faith they profess (El-Mahdi 380). This is in a bid to have â€Å"normal† human rights applied to them similar to men; in addition, religion is taking a big part in influencing politics, therefore, affecting the religious rights of Islamic women. For example, Islamism is gaining ground in social politics, which, in turn, subordinates women’s rights in society concer ning political safety and legitimacy (El-Mahdi 382). Thus, Islamic women have enjoyed religious rights for a long period especially during colonization when secularization had allowed women to campaign for their rights, and for them be involved in the control of the patriarchal society (El-Mahdi 383). This was due to the weakening of the religious hierarchy and rise of secular institutions. In Islamic societies, Islamic religion does not bar or hinder the

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Controversies Surrounding Pink Slime Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Controversies Surrounding Pink Slime - Essay Example The term pink slime was coined a biologist called Gerald Zirnstein in 2002 due to the use of ammonium hydroxide in processing of this product. Initially the term was only used publicly in reference to food packaged for dogs. However, the media outlets created a phobia throughout United States when they made a claim that almost all meat products comprised some amount of Pink Slime. Following this media disclosure, a good number of beef processing industries have been forced to shut their business due to the controversy. Individuals as well as institutions such as schools have raised several arguments over the quality and appropriateness of the pink slime consumption (Drahl Web). Currently, the phrase pink slime is used to define a different type of ground meat different from the habitual ground meat in that it was prepared from fatty crumbs, connective tissue and hides, which were remnants of beef carcasses after steaks and roasts, had been extracted. The issue of slime mould caused many questions among the American particularly on the role of government in protecting the quality and safety of their food (â€Å"A Fight About Beef: Why to Avoid 'Pink Slime’† Web; Drahl Web). The American have a reason and the right to know the security of product that they consumer. However, the deliberations on slime meat have been stuffed with distortions and propaganda, which could be either true or fictitious.

Aristotle and Meaning of Happiness Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Aristotle and Meaning of Happiness - Essay Example If a person wants to gain real happiness then he should desire and aim for virtues in himself which eventually become real happiness of a person and will last within person's soul till eternity. Values like sincerity, honesty, honor, morality, justice wisdom and courage are the qualities which enlighten the human and bring inner happiness with can never be taken away. (YUKSEL.ORG) HAPPINESS WITH VIRTUE AND VALUES VS WORLDLY AND SELF CREATED VALUES: For Aristotle happiness is what enlightens and satisfy the soul. And happiness cannot be measured with worldly things like wealth, fame and social setup. From the virtues are the moral values of a person and they are real happy for a person as they define and satisfy the inner being of that person. And according to Aristotle real happiness can only be gained through virtue. He defined two types of virtues: moral and intellectual. Moral virtues are those which are explained and generated by feelings, choice, and action. The feeling of care, honesty, and justice etc. are the moral virtues which show the feeling and values of a person towards life and others. Whereas intellectual virtues are those which are related to person's cognition like wisdom (W. Russ Payne) IN THE LIGHT OF BOOK â€Å"TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE† The book â€Å"Tuesday with Morrie† writer by Mitch Albom is a memoir of the time the writer and his professor had together. It tells a heart touching story of a unique relationship which a student redevelops with his teacher Morrie Schwartz who is fighting against a fatal disease Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). After 16 years of graduation, when Albom accidentally see his professor in TV program Nightline while tripping channel he becomes totally shocked and stunned to know that his most favorite teacher is suffering from a terminal disease. This accident brings all the flashbacks to Albom’s mind and he recalls his pledge he did to his teacher on the last day to his graduation; which w as to stay in touch with him but he wasn’t able to fulfill it. And how on the last day of graduation Albom gifted Morrie a briefcase, with which he expressed his deep feelings of departure and gifting him a gift because he doesn’t want his professor to forget him. And how his sir Morrie was equally emotional and he sees him crying when he turned away after meeting him. This was very painful for Albom to recall and felt guilty that in his busy life he overlooked and forgot his promise. And after coming to know that he is suffering from ALS and is on wheelchair he felt great remorse and regret not staying in touch. Soon after this Albom’s starts visiting his teacher and realized that he has lots more to learn from his teacher. And just after coming to know about his teacher’s fatal condition, Albom who’s heart was full of agony immediately goes to meet his sir who even after a gap of 16 years recognize his students. This was not only painful for the student to see his teacher in such condition but a very emotional and nostalgic point in Morris life to see his student coming at his door after 16 years which brought all flashbacks of past. Albom starts visiting his teacher every Tuesdays and talked about life and knowledge. Albom and Morrie already had a very cordial father and son like relationship back in college but it took a new turn when after the lapse of sixteen years, Albom again started to visit him.  

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

ORGANISATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

ORGANISATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY - Essay Example H). Harry Potter was influenced by Dumbledore, while people like Richard Brandson or Steve Jobs are inventors of their own new way. Harry Potter teaches that leader must be supported and directed on a way, so such a leader can continue some eternal path, fighting for a Greater Good. But leaders like Richard Brandson do what they want to do, something they have passion about. You can’t say Harry enjoys hunting Voldemort, but Mark Zukenberg does enjoy his work. People stand beside Harry to fight for a Greater Good, and follow Steve Jobs to develop themselves in a way their leader does. Another thing that differs in these types of leaders is kind of power. Manda H. Rosser mentions several kinds of power, which leader can have (Rosser, M. H). I think Victor Cram from HP is a type of leader similar to Richard Brandson or Steve Jobs. They both have an Expert kind of power, and they’re successful in a particular

Monday, September 23, 2019

Spyware and Implementing Network Security to Prevent it Essay

Spyware and Implementing Network Security to Prevent it - Essay Example Spyware may collect different types of information. Some variants attempt to track the websites a user visits and then send this information to an advertising agency. More malicious variants attempt to intercept passwords or credit card numbers as a user enters them into a web form or other application. The scourge of spyware is going to be here for quite a while, simply because the attacker make so much money from it. An attacker can make a dollar or more per month per infected system by using spyware to inject pop-up ads, Spam and other annoyances. Therefore, attackers have a vested interest to constantly adapt their software and make it ever more stealthy and sticky. Additionally, the stakes are even higher if the attacker can steal credit card or bank account information. What weve seen in the past three years is the growth of a spyware industry that spins off millions of dollars. That money is often folded back into research and development for more malicious attacks. This R&D funding makes their software even more powerful and will continue to do so for the foreseeable future. As spyware continues to threaten the stability of corporate infrastructures, its crucial to understand how this malicious software works and how to defend against it. This assignment is a compilation of resources that explain what spyware is, how it attacks and most importantly what you can to do to win the war on spyware. Spyware is any technology that aids in gathering information about a person or organization without their knowledge. On the Internet where it is sometimes called a spybot or tracking software, spyware is programming that is put in someones computer to secretly gather information about the user and relay it to advertisers or other interested parties. Spyware can get in a computer as a software virus or as the result of installing a new program. Some common examples of spyware are CoolWebSearch (CWS), Gator

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Living in the Global Community What then shall we do Essay

Living in the Global Community What then shall we do - Essay Example These matters bring a level of insecurity to this world because their implications are much higher than one can expect. Further, it is always a desirable act to understand that living in a global community calls for many sacrifices. People need to comprehend where the other person might come up from, what his dispositions are and what the entire society is going through before deducing a statement or forming an opinion. This paper takes a look at just that and finds out how people’s views have shaped up the world in the time and age of today. Considering how people believe in the dictum of bringing in global harmony, the first and foremost thing to notice, analyze and properly understand is that perspectives might not entirely be true. For the people living in North America, these issues might not be that huge because they are lucky to receive many benefits and facilities at the hands of their own governments. These especially include the likes of Canada, Mexico and the superp ower nation of the world – the United States of America. ... The North Americans are of the opinion that the entire world must listen to them and follow their dictum, which is not a very practical and understandable thing in essence. What these people forget is the fact that they are nearly 1/8th of the entire world’s population and hence cannot rule the nuances of the globe all on their own. One should believe that their view is biased more than anything else as they have long taken this world and its people for granted. Since they are at the zenith of being hailed as the most developed nations in the world, no one can deny the fact that they ought to think as such. For the people living in â€Å"low human development† countries this is something of a major problem. This is because the â€Å"low human development† countries expect a great deal at the hands of the nations which have made it big within the global landscape but the same does not come about as a result of which there is a global divide amongst nations. The pe ople within such countries are undernourished and not given their due which is a sad anomaly if seen properly within the thick of things. The global bodies like the World Trade Organization (WTO), International Labor Organization (ILO), the World Bank (WB) and other significant trade and educational institutions have a significant role to play within the utilization of resources for the sake of the â€Å"low human development† countries because these are suffering on a number of different counts, and now is the time to make amends. The people within such countries feel that they have been hard done by because their rights have been usurped by the countries that have been already developed and are on the pathway to achieve further progress in the future. This is a

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Concert Review Form Essay Example for Free

Concert Review Form Essay Each student is responsible for attending a live music performance and turning in one concert review each trimester. The concert review can be handed into you current band director before the end of the trimester. You concert review should be designed so that it could be printed in a newspaper as a music or concert critique. All of the below questions should be answered, but responses should be in paragraph, rather than numbered format. Concert Review Checklist: Be sure to use complete sentences, correct grammar and spelling. Answer each question within the context of the review. Title your critique in reference to both the music and the performance. All reviews should be typed and double-spaced. Reports will be graded on the quality and thoroughness of the response. Attach this sheet, a ticket stub and/or program (if available) to the top of the report. Concert Reviews need to be turned in before the end of the trimester. Concert Review Reminders: †¢ Concert Reviews will not be accepted unless they are typed. †¢ If you have not answered the questions below, your Concert Review is less than complete. †¢ Do not use casual or conversation language. For example: umm, well, yea, etc. †¢ Do not wait until the last moment to see a concert. †¢ Do not answer the questions in numbered format. 1. Introduction: Tell the reader about the performance. Include both visual and audio clues for the reader. Be descriptive about how the setting of the space (or the uniforms, or the programs) helped the audience understand what was about to be performed. a. The performers and the space: What type of performance did you attend? What was the name of the group (if any)? Give a brief description about the group: size, instrumentation, professionals/amateurs, purpose of the performance. 2. Development: Tell the reader about the music. Include descriptive words that allow the reader to know what you thought about the performance without exactly stating your opinion. For example: â€Å"The second piece on the program was Bach chorale that contrasted well with the first piece of music. However, the minimal use of dynamics and lack of passion from the performers resulted in a lackluster performance.† a. The music: What type of music did they perform? How did the performers act? (Did they appear nervous or confident? Did they seem to know what to do? How did they interact with each other? How did they interact with the audience?) 3. Your Critique: What did you like? Why did you like it? If it was an amateur group, did the group play up to their ability or above/below it? a. What you liked/disliked: Give a brief description of what you liked about the performance. List 2-3 things specifically that you would want the reader to know. 4. Your Conclusion: Give the reader some final thoughts about what you enjoyed about the piece of music and how you thought the performance went. Would you buy the CD? Go to another concert? Recommend it to a friend?

Friday, September 20, 2019

Significance of Product Life Cycle

Significance of Product Life Cycle The concept of product life-cycle highlights that sooner or later all products die and that if management wishes to sustain its revenues, it must replace the declining products with the new ones. The product life-cycle concept indicates as to what can be expected in the market for a new product at various stages. i.e., introduction, growth, maturity and decline. Thus, the concept of product life-cycle can be used as a forecasting tool. It can alert management that its product will inevitably face saturation and decline, and the host of problems these stages pose. The product life-cycle is also a useful framework for describing the typical evolution of marketing strategy over the stages of product life-cycle. This will help in taking sound marketing decisions at different stages of the product life-cycle. After a product has been developed, it is launched in the market with the help of various promotional devices such as advertising, sales promotion, publicity and paresonal selling. In other words, product development must be followed by the successful introduction of the product in the market. For this, planning for introduction of the product starts during the process of product development itself. Every firm makes sale projections during introduction, growth and maturity stage of the product life-cycle. To acheive the projected sales target, it formulates promotional, pricing and distribution policies. Thus, the concept of product life-cycle facilitates integrated marketing policies relating to product, price, place and promotion/distribution. The advantages of PLC to a firm are as follows: When the product life-cycle is predictable, the management must be cautious in taking advance steps before the decline stage, by adopting product modification, pricing strategies, style, quality, change, etc. The firm can prepare an effective product plan by knowing the product life-cycle of a product. The management can find new uses of the product for the expansion of market during growth stage and for extending the maturity stage. The management can adopt latest technological changes to improve the product quality, features and design. STAGES IN PRODUCT LIFE-CYCLE Product life cycle comprises four stages: Introduction stage Growth stage Maturity stage Decline stage product-life-cycle-stages-plc Fig 1: product life-cycle Product Life Cycle (PLC) Introduction stage EXAMPLES FROM DIFFERENT SECTORS BPL TELEVISIONS Many products generally have a characteristic known as perishable distinctiveness.ÂÂ   This means that a product which is distinct when new degenerates over the years into a common commodity.ÂÂ   The process by which the distinctiveness gradually disappears as the product merges with other competitive products, has been rightly termed by Joel Dean as the cycle of competitive degeneration.ÂÂ   The cycle begins with the invention of a new product and is often followed by patent protection, and further development to make it saleable.ÂÂ   This is usually followed by a rapid expansion in its sales as the product gains market acceptance.ÂÂ   Then competitors enter the field with imitation and rival products and the distinctiveness of the new product starts diminishing.ÂÂ   The speed of degeneration differs from product to product.ÂÂ   While some products fail immediately on birth or a little later, others may live long enough.ÂÂ   BPLs picture in pi cture TV was eliminated at the introduction stage itself.ÂÂ   The innovation of a new product and its degeneration into a common product is termed as the life cycle of a product. There are five distinct stages in the life cycle of a product as shown below : Introduction. Research or engineering skill leads to product development.ÂÂ   The product is put on the market; awareness and acceptance are minimal.ÂÂ   There are high promotional costs.ÂÂ   Sometimes a product may generate a new demand, for example, Maggi.ÂÂ   Volume of sales is low and there may be heavy losses. Growth. The product begins to make rapid sales gains because of the cumulative effects of introductory promotion, distribution, and word-of-mouth influence.ÂÂ   High and sharply rising profits may be witnessed.ÂÂ   But to sustain growth, consumer satisfaction must be ensured at this stage. Maturity. Sales growth continues, but at a diminishing rate, because of the declining number of potential customers who remain unaware of the product or who have taken no action.ÂÂ   Also, the last of the unsuccessful competing brands will probably withdraw from the market.ÂÂ   For this reason, sales are likely to continue to rise while the customers for the withdrawn brands are mopped up by the survivors.ÂÂ   There is no improvement in the product but changes in selling effort are common.ÂÂ   Profit margins slip despite rising sales. Saturation. Sales reach and remain on a plateau marked by the level of replacement demand.ÂÂ   There is little additional demand to be stimulated. Decline.ÂÂ  Sales begin to diminish absolutely as the customers begin to tire of the product and the product is gradually edged out by better products or substitutes, for example, dial telephones and petrol jeeps. Time Fig 2: product life-cycle of BPL TVs There are several reasons why the life-cycle of a product tends to be short :ÂÂ   (a) continuous research for product development, (b) simultaneous attempts by several companies in the same direction, and (c) tendency of a new idea to attract competitors.ÂÂ   Improvements offered by one company are likely to be met and, if possible, exceeded by competitors in a relatively short period.ÂÂ   If a competitor hits upon a real improvement (perhaps based on an entirely new technology) and he markets it well, both sales and profits of the original technology) and he markets it well, both sales and profits of the original product innovator may decline drastically. It may be noted that products may begin a new cycle or revert to an early stage as a result of (a) the discovery of new uses, (b) the appearance of new users, and (c) introduction of new features. As the distinctiveness of the products fade, the pricing discretion enjoyed by their producers gradually declines.ÂÂ   This is what happened in the case of many products like ball-point pens, transistors, radios, etc.ÂÂ   Throughout the cycle, changes take place in price and promotional elasticity of demand as also in the production and distribution costs of the product.ÂÂ   Pricing policy, therefore, must be adjusted over the various phases of the cycle. Product life-cycle concentrates only the life-cycle of a product beginning with its introduction into the market to the post-marketing phase.ÂÂ   However, a series of processes are to be undertaken by the management even prior to the introduction of a product in the market.ÂÂ   These processes include exploration, screening, analysis, development, testing, etc.ÂÂ   The concept of product life-cycle may be used as a managerial tool. Marketing strategies, however, have to be changed with changes in the phase of the life-cycle of a product.ÂÂ   An understanding of the cycle is helpful to the managers for a rational understanding of the future sales activities as also planning of marketing strategies.ÂÂ   Hence, PLC is synonymous with the pattern of demand for a product over time. The length of time that a product spends at anyone stage varies from product to product.ÂÂ   A product might not pass through every stage in the cycle.ÂÂ   Some products, for instance, might not get past the introductory stage, while others might not get past the growth or even the maturity stage.ÂÂ   There might be still other products that might pass through the introduction to maturity stages but might take a longer period to reach the saturation stage and hence might take a longer period to reach the decline stage.ÂÂ   Some products, for instance, might not get past the maturity stage.ÂÂ   There might be still other products that might pass through the introduction to maturity stages but might take a longer period to reach the saturation stage and hence might take a longer period to reach the decline stage.ÂÂ   Some products might even hustle through the entire cycle in an amazingly short period.ÂÂ   In certain cases, there might even be a repos itioning of a product, which might trigger off a new growth cycle.ÂÂ ÂÂ  Fig 3: product life-cycle of Facebook

Thursday, September 19, 2019

A Separate Peace: Responsibility Essay -- Essays Papers

A Separate Peace: Responsibility A responsibility is something for which one is held accountable. Often people say that one is responsible for one’s own words and actions; if something happens as a result of something one does one is responsible for it. But is it possible that something could be the result of various actions from different people who are therefore equally responsible, or is there always one person who is most responsible for the incident at hand? Such a situation where this question is relevant is present in the novel A Separate Peace by John Knowles. In the novel, the main character, Gene, ponders his responsibility for the death of his best friend, Phineas or Finny. After reading Gene’s account of the events that led to Finny’s death the reader may observe that there are three people who are all partially at fault for Finny’s death. Gene, a classmate named Brinker, and Phineas all had something to do with the incident, but who was most responsible for it? Gene is probably the most obvious to blame for part of Phineas’ death. Gene clearly feels guilty, that is why he returns to the tree fifteen years after the fact, for some sort of closure. As Gene and Finny were about to jump from a tree branch into the river together, Gene shook the branch causing Phineas to fall into the river unexpectedly and hurt his leg. Later on, when Phineas re-injured his leg and was having it set in a routine operation, he passed away. The doctor said that it was p...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

CFC (Chlorofluorocarbons) :: science

CFC The beginning of the CFC(chlorofluorocarbons) era started in 1928, when CFC' were invented by a Du Pont chemist. CFC' were best known as "freons" and became famous as a safe, nonflammable refrigerant. It's invention became a great triumph when Freon took the place of sulfur dioxide or ammonia which was used as the working liquid in refrigerators. It eventually became widely used in automobile air conditioners and nontoxic propellants in aerosol cans. It's insulating properties also was used for blowing agents for plastics and foam cups. Thus CFCs became used all over the world and its business got bigger and bigger until late in 1973. Sherwood Rowland and Mario Molina, two distinguished chemists, came up with a surprising result in his calculations concerning the CFCs and ozone layer. CFCs are basically inactive in the troposphere(around the altitude of 50,000 feet) so it would gradually drift upward until they reached the mid-stratosphere.(about 100,000 feet) At this point CFCs would be broken down by short-wavelength ultraviolet radiation from the sun. This radiation is the one which would not reach the lower atmosphere in large amounts because of the ozone layer. When these CFCs do brake down, they released atomic chlorine which then would react with the ozone and convert it back into plain oxygen. The even worse part of all this is that these chlorine molecules do not become inactive after the first reaction with the ozone and would be available to destroy more ozone molecules. Thus this process would be the fun ction of a catalyst; a single chlorine atom involved in a chain reaction to destroy many ozone molecules. Rowland and Molina eventually agreed that this thinning of the ozone shield can cause a catastrophe for Earth's living beings, including humans, by allowing large amounts of the deadly ultraviolet-B radiation to reach to Earth's surface. Rowland and Molina checked their calculations again and again to make sure that these figures had not a single mistake in it because this conclusion was likely to destroy an $8 billion industry already in the United States. However, the lives of the living beings were far more important than businesses so in 1974 Rowland and Molina, having their calculations checked by their colleagues, explained their theory in a paper in the eminent scientific journal Nature. Later the only reasonable conclusion they drew out was that the use of CFCs be banned. When these calculations were released to the public, Du Pont, the major CFC manufacturer, did everything they can to convince the people that the calculations were unproven and theoretical.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Economic History of Europe from Early 100s to Medieval :: essays papers

Economic History of Europe from Early 100s to Medieval In the tenth century, Europe was coming out of a torment of invasion, plunder, and rapine, by enemies’ form all sides. They were from Scandinavia, the Norsemen or Vikings that pillaged and harassed everyone almost to Constantinople. They were also plagued by the Saracens from across the Mediterranean and from the Magyars from the east overland. But no one will submit to this kind of abuse forever. Europeans began to retaliate and counter the thrusts of their attackers, raising the price of aggression. Over the years the northern tribes and Hungarian invaders gave up, settled down and domesticated. This end form danger launched Europe on the path for development and growth. Western Aristocracy, however, did not foster the idea of a successful, efficient economy. The Aristocratic empires squeezed al they could out of what they had instead of looking for new ways to make more. They pressed and oppressed harder. These societies had no initiative and could not operate in terms of productivity. The medieval period that followed was considered a transitional society. These nomadic communities kept in constant motion mad nothing so special or valuable as to cause issues of ownership or other ambitions to power. In the centuries that followed authority began to weaken. The tradition of election passed on to hereditary rule, but the old customs and appearances also faded away and the ruler, even when designated at birth was formally elected. His power was weakening and some seeked to restore the empire that had once been. At this point the basis of economy in Europe was private property what could be held, defended, and conquered. As communication and transportation came into people’s lives the contest for power in European societies gave rise to semi-autonomous city, or an organized commune. But nothing like the commune appeared outside Western Europe. The commune had a primary economic function to be a government of the merchants, by the merchants, and for the merchants. Also it functioned in its ability to grant social status and political rights on its residents, rights that are crucial to the conduct of business and to freedom from outside interference. These cities became gateways to freedom. Migration to cities improved the income and status of the migrants. Self emancipation in Western Europe was directly linked to the franchised villages and urban communes. Economic History of Europe from Early 100s to Medieval :: essays papers Economic History of Europe from Early 100s to Medieval In the tenth century, Europe was coming out of a torment of invasion, plunder, and rapine, by enemies’ form all sides. They were from Scandinavia, the Norsemen or Vikings that pillaged and harassed everyone almost to Constantinople. They were also plagued by the Saracens from across the Mediterranean and from the Magyars from the east overland. But no one will submit to this kind of abuse forever. Europeans began to retaliate and counter the thrusts of their attackers, raising the price of aggression. Over the years the northern tribes and Hungarian invaders gave up, settled down and domesticated. This end form danger launched Europe on the path for development and growth. Western Aristocracy, however, did not foster the idea of a successful, efficient economy. The Aristocratic empires squeezed al they could out of what they had instead of looking for new ways to make more. They pressed and oppressed harder. These societies had no initiative and could not operate in terms of productivity. The medieval period that followed was considered a transitional society. These nomadic communities kept in constant motion mad nothing so special or valuable as to cause issues of ownership or other ambitions to power. In the centuries that followed authority began to weaken. The tradition of election passed on to hereditary rule, but the old customs and appearances also faded away and the ruler, even when designated at birth was formally elected. His power was weakening and some seeked to restore the empire that had once been. At this point the basis of economy in Europe was private property what could be held, defended, and conquered. As communication and transportation came into people’s lives the contest for power in European societies gave rise to semi-autonomous city, or an organized commune. But nothing like the commune appeared outside Western Europe. The commune had a primary economic function to be a government of the merchants, by the merchants, and for the merchants. Also it functioned in its ability to grant social status and political rights on its residents, rights that are crucial to the conduct of business and to freedom from outside interference. These cities became gateways to freedom. Migration to cities improved the income and status of the migrants. Self emancipation in Western Europe was directly linked to the franchised villages and urban communes.

Criticism of the Malthusian Theory of Population Essay

Thomas robert malthus was a son of Daniel and Henrieta Malthus. He was born in 1766 in England. He studied philosophy, mathematics and theology at Jesus college, Cambridge in 1784. His students afectonatelly referred to him as â€Å"pop† or population and he entered the church in 1791. He later became a professor of history and political economy in the colledge which East India company maintained at Haileybury near London. He was in this position untill 1834 when he died. Fundamentally malthus did not agree with Adam smith optimism. He was pessimist unlike Adam Smith and other economist, he observed economic realities with greater concern. Especially when it comes to the power people. For instance while Adam Smith was ignoring the severe impact of rising food prices. Malthus did not. Malthus agued that the economic system, as it was working, needed some remedial action. Malthus major contribution where his â€Å" theory of population† and â€Å" the theory of economy crisis† it was his theory of population that dominated his writings. He made many other contributions to the study of economics. He anticipated a member of theoretical contributions of later times. His thesis of deficiency of effective demand was picked up and elaborated systematically by Keynes. Malthus philosopy was a mixture of his religious moralty and cold blooded reality of the world. His reasoning despit the fact that he was a revrend and a gentleman was properly connected in sientific reasoning and language. His approach to the population problem and all the problems in economics and social science which he studied was strictly scientific in the modern perspective. THOMAS ROBERT MALTHUS THEORY OF POPULATION Malthus extensive writings on the theory of population was a response to others before him. Some argued that a densly population country was good for production so a very definite and scientific relationship was not developed between population and the means of subsistence. Some argued that the only way to contrrol population is to give workers subsistence wage, some also believe that increase in population is needed to have good, large and powerful millitary. Out of all these economist the one that extrated a response from Malthus was William Godwin whose book â€Å" An inquiry concerning political justice, and its influence on moral and happiness† (1796) argued that human being could reach perfection immoralty and that there will never be over population because as at that time only one-quarter of the earth’s is being cultivated. Malthus response to this was â€Å" An essay on the principle of population â€Å" (1803) which is published in his Sixth edition. In his book Malthus did not agree with the views expressed by Godwin that either the population growth would be counter balanced by a coresponding increase in means of subsistence or reason would prevail leading to check of growth population. Malthus stated that, the populations of the world would increase in geometrin proportion while the proportion of food will increase in an arithmetic progression

Monday, September 16, 2019

Foreign Market Entry Strategy – Four Seasons in Brazil

[pic] [pic] Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts Strategic Marketing Plan for Entry into Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [pic] EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Four Seasons Hotels and Resort is the world’s premier luxury hotel management company. It is currently operating 83 hotels in 35 countries and has built an unrivalled reputation for reliability, trust and connection with its guests (Four Seasons, 2010). As the hotel mogul prepares to enter Brazil, this paper narrates in detail the marketing plan Four Seasons will implement in the local geopolitical environment. Brazil’s present political, legal, social and economic state draws the conclusion that acquiring a local luxury hotelier while utilizing its business resources like a partner, is the best mode of entry for Four Seasons. Fasano’s grandiose local brand recognition as a world-class hotelier and partnership with Brazilian real-estate developer, JHSF, makes it an ideal candidate for Four Seasons’ market entry strategy. Exceptional personalized customer service, an integral part of Four Seasons’ brand image and strategy, is standardized and will be directly transferred when entering Rio de Janeiro. Acquiring Fasano’s hotel in Rio de Janeiro, while simultaneously retraining all of its existing staff members will accomplish Four Seasons’ main objectives when entering Brazil which include: 1. Providing a standardized service Four Seasons’ target market has come to receive and expect, while showcasing an authentic Brazilian experience for its guests. 2. Establishing a genuine connection with the local community and understanding Brazilian culture to ensure a sustainable business relationship for future expansion. 3. Utilizing the most ffective and efficient market strategy to expedite Four Seasons’ entrance into Brazil. To guarantee a successful entry into this new growth market, two Integrated Communications Campaign strategies will be put into place to reach out to the local community and international consumer base. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY1 II. TABLE OF CONTENTS2 III. COMPANY AND SERVICE OVERVIEW3 A. FOUR SEASONS HISTORY3 B. RECENT DEVE LOPMENTS3 IV. MARKET ATTRACTIVENESS ASSESSMENT5 A. ENVIRONMENT OVERVIEW5 1. CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT5 2. POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT8 3. ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT10 4. LEGAL ENVIRONMENT12 B. COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS14 1. MAJOR COMPETITORS14 2. SWOT ANALYSIS FOR FOUR SEASONS21 C. POTENTIAL TARGET MARKET ASSESSMENT22 1. FOUR SEASONS’ GUEST DEMOGRAPHICS22 2. TARGET SEGMENTS23 V. MARKET ENTRY STRATEGY25 VI. MARKETING MIX PLAN28 A. BRAND STRATEGY28 B. PRODUCT/SERVICE29 C. PRICE34 D. PLACE35 E. ADVERTISING AND OTHER PROMOTION35 1. Integrated Communications Campaign for Brazilians35 2. Integrated Communicates Campaign for International Travelers37 3. FIFA World Cup 2014 & Summer Olympic Games 201640 VII. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDED RESEARCH40 A. SECONDARY RESEARCH41 B. PRIMARY RESEARCH41 1. SURVEYS41 2. FOCUS GROUP42 3. IN-DEPTH INTERVIEWS43 4. OBSERVATION STUDIES43 VIII. REFERENCES44 COMPANY AND SERVICE OVERVIEW 1 FOUR SEASONS HISTORY Isadore Sharp, founder of The Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts, opened his first hotel in Toronto, Canada in 1961. A modest hotel with 125 affordable rooms, The Four Seasons Motor Hotel marked the beginning of a new kind of hotel in which every customer would be treated as a special guest. Within ten years, three hotels had been opened in Canada, leading to the opening of the company’s first hotel abroad in London, England in 1970. Over time, Four Seasons made four strategic decisions that formed the pillars of the company. The first pillar, quality, was chosen during the initial expansion abroad in the 1970s, to continuously meet guest expectations from one hotel to the next. Four Seasons as a brand would represent exceptional quality with a focus on being the best hotel in each location. The second strategic decision was to build Four Season’s competitive advantage in service. Four Seasons was recognized for its superior service with the opening of its first branded U. S. hotel in Washington, DC in 1979. During the 1980s, Four Seasons continued to expand and introduce flagship hotels throughout the US. The brand name began to develop and a distinct brand image was created. The third pillar, culture, would play a significant role in the growth of a strong brand name. The corporate culture became based on the Golden Rule, which Mr. Sharp defines as â€Å"to deal with others—partners, customers, coworkers, everyone—as we would want them to deal with us† (Martin, 2008). In 1985, Four Seasons added branded private residences to their hotels and began to transition from a hotel owner to solely a hotel management company. With the change, the fourth pillar evolved: â€Å"to grow as a management company and build a brand name synonymous with quality† (â€Å"Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts- About Us: Four Seasons History,† 2010). Since, Four Seasons has created a brand name worth much more than its real estate by offering the best service to luxury travelers around the world. Four Seasons has consistently innovated the services offered at its hotels over the years, becoming the first to offer shampoo in the shower, 24-hour room service, bathrobes, cleaning and pressing services, a two-line phone in each guest room, a well-lit desk, a full-service spa and 24-hour secretarial services (Martin, 2008). In 1986, the company went public and was listed on the Toronto Stock Exchange. A strong brand name allowed the Four Seasons to engage in a series of successful hotel openings across the world in the 1990s and into the new millennium. The company has gradually expanded its portfolio of resorts to include 83 hotels and resorts in 35 countries and continues to grow in both size and recognition today. Every hotel, from Cairo to Chiang Mai to Milan, demonstrates the four pillars that Mr. Sharp has built the Four Seasons brand upon. 2 RECENT DEVELOPMENTS Headquartered in Toronto, Canada, Four Seasons Hotel and Resorts became the first large hotel company to manage hotels through real estate owners and developers. In 2007, Four Seasons Hotels returned to private ownership, with Bill Gates and Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal each owning 47. % of the company, and Mr. Sharp owning the remaining 5% (Segal, 2009). The purchase was based on the decision to expand more aggressively, specifically into regions not conducive to public companies (O'Brien, 2008). With operations in 35 countries, it has been extremely successful abroad and will continue to expand into new markets in the future; the Chinese and Indian markets are pre dicted to play a vital role in the future of the company (â€Å"Four Seasons CEO Sees Luxury Trajectory,† 2009). As a hotel management company, Four Seasons has complete control over all hotel operations, participates in the designing of new hotels, and earns approximately 3% of revenue from hotel owners in addition to collecting fees to cover global sales, marketing, and reservations (O’Brien, 2008). The major decision makers in the company headquarters currently are: ? Isadore Sharp: Founder, chairman, and CEO ? Kathleen Taylor: President and COO ? Jim FitzGibbon: President Worldwide Hotel Operations ? Nick Mutton: Executive Vice President Human Resources and Administration ? Scott Woroch: Executive Vice President Worldwide Development ? John Davison: CFO and Executive Vice President Residential ? Antoine Corinthios: President Europe/Middle East/Africa ? Susan Helstab: Exective Vice President Marketing (Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts- About Us: Corporate Bios, 2010). Four Seasons is continuously recognized as an outstanding company winning awards year after year. Four Seasons has remained on Fortune’s 100 Best Companies to Work For every year since 1998, for a total of twelve consecutive years (â€Å"Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts- About Us: Four Seasons History,† 2010). Twenty-two of the Four Seasons properties have also been recognized for excellence in the hospitality industry with the AAA Five Diamond award in 2010 (2010 AAA/CAA Five Diamond Lodgings). This is a very prestigious award, presented only to â€Å"0. 27% of the 60,000 Diamond Rated lodgings and restaurants throughout the United States, Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean,† truly setting Four Seasons Hotels apart from its competitors (â€Å"Five Diamond Award Winning Hotels and Restaurants,† 2010). The thirtieth anniversary issue of the Robb Report,  published in 2006, included the Four Seasons on its list of â€Å"the most exclusive brands of all time† alongside other luxury brands such as Rolls Royce, Tiffany’s and Louis Vuitton (â€Å"Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts- About Us: Four Seasons History,† 2010). Conde  Nast Traveler also consistently recognizes the Four Seasons as a leader in the hospitality industry. On  Conde  Nast Traveler’s Global Top 100 List, eighteen Four Seasons’ hotels have been included, which is triple the amount of the next most-listed hotel chain (Martin, 2008). By incorporating the four pillars into its business strategy, the Four Seasons has developed into one of the most-recognized prestigious brands within the hospitality industry. Through its constant focus on excellent customer service in all markets, Four Seasons creates a brand that is immediately associated with exceeding customer needs and expectations in every location. Mr. Sharp summarized the idea by saying â€Å"If you don’t meet it every time, you don’t have a brand† (â€Å"Four Seasons CEO Sees Luxury Trajectory,† 2009). The architecture of a hotel is irrelevant because any competitor can replicate it, however the employees of the Four Seasons differentiate the company by constantly delivering the premier service promised to the guests, hence, creating the strong brand image travelers associate with Four Seasons. In addition to providing timely and sophisticated service, employees are trained to personalize the service delivery through customer name recognition and offering unique services to match guest preferences. Training employees to deliver customized service has been a greater challenge, because â€Å"personal service is not something you can dictate as a policy. It comes from the culture† (O'Brien, 2008). Mr. Sharp explains the effect of a strong corporate culture on the guests: â€Å"how you treat your employees is how you expect them to treat the customer† (O'Brien, 2008). Brand integrity, coupled with the corporate pride instilled in 30,000 employees worldwide, is what allows Four Seasons to charge a premium price. The company has become legendary for its unmovable standards, despite economic recessions, believing that altering room prices will diminish the brand. Four Seasons loyal guests continually pay premium prices because they are confident the superior service that is expected will be delivered. Each Four Seasons Hotel and Resort strives to achieve the ideal balance of adaptation to the local environment and standardization of the service. Four Seasons Hotels are built after comprehensive research of the market and country to adapt to the local style and create an authentic experience for guests. The company does not have a uniform style that is common in many competitors such as The Ritz Carlton. While the hotel is built to reflect the local culture, service is standardized across all Four Seasons properties. This is a key factor to the adaptation/standardization balance as service is considered the company's sustainable competitive advantage. Guests expect to receive the same high-quality service at every Four Seasons hotel, despite being in a different country. Room rates also vary at different properties, taking into account seasonality, economic factors of the host country, and exchange rates. However, each hotel offers a fairly large price range to reflect the different types of rooms and suites available in the property. MARKET ATTRACTIVENESS ASSESSMENT 1 ENVIRONMENT OVERVIEW 1 CULTURAL ENVIRONMENT 1 HOFSTEDE CULTURAL DIMENSIONS |Country |PDI |IDV |MAS |UAI |LTO | |CANADA |39 |80 |52 |48 |23 | |BRAZIL |69 38 |49 |76 |65 | |URUGUAY |61 |36 |38 |100 | | (â€Å"Geert Hofstede Cultural Dimensions,† 2009) Although three main target segments for Four Seasons in Brazil are non-Brazilian nationals, the company must acknowledge cultural differences to be properly prepared to select, train, and compensate local employees and positively interact with local businesses. Local firms are vital to Four Seasons’ business model since they have significant control over word-of-mouth promotion for the hotel. In order to receive customers for conferences, catering or special events, a lasting relationship needs to be built with firms in the local environment. Additionally, it is important to understand cultural dimensions to be successful in acquiring the tangible aspects of the business that are locally sourced. According to Hofstede measures, Canada and Brazil vary drastically on all cultural dimensions excluding masculinity. Compared to Canada, Brazil has a very high Power Distance index (â€Å"Geert Hofstede Cultural Dimensions,† 2009). As a result, the Four Seasons Introductory Training Program (FSITP) may need to be modified. Currently, all new employees representing different levels of the organization, including housekeepers, department managers, non-paid interns, etc. , are placed into one large group for FSITP. Since local Brazilians expect a sharp division between subordinates and supervisors (Gillespie, Jeannet, & Hennessey, 2007), separate training schedules may be instituted to account for differences in responsibilities. This could pose a difficult challenge because the training program is very standardized and is one of the components that provide the service competitive advantage. On account of strict boundaries between subordinates and supervisors, lower-level employees are not as comfortable with empowerment than those in low power distance cultures (Gillespie, Jeannet, & Hennessey, 2007). The Four Seasons managers may want to consider providing narrow and clear job descriptions. If narrow job descriptions are constructed, managers must establish monitoring systems to void bureaucratic inefficiencies. The greatest difference between Canada and Brazil is on the Individualism ranking. Compared to Canada, Brazil is a highly collectivist culture. (â€Å"Geert Hofstede Cultural Dimensions,† 2009) This facet creates a significant challenge in dealing with local businesses, whether clients or suppliers. Building and maintaining a relationship demands a substantial amount of time and effort devote d to face-to-face meetings. It is not an easy task to form a business contract with Brazilians without creating a relationship. This task is increasingly difficult because Brazil is also a high uncertainty avoidance culture (â€Å"Geert Hofstede Cultural Dimensions,† 2009). In these circumstances, it would be extremely wise to partner with a Brazilian representative. By capitalizing on a local representative's already established personal and business contacts, Four Seasons can conserve a great amount of resources. As it would be almost impossible for a local representative to provide every contact, a significant amount of time needs to be allocated for lengthy negotiations and contact building. Although Brazil and Canada drastically differ in Hofstede cultural dimensions, it is important to recognize Four Seasons as a profitable multinational company. It has successful experience conducting its business model across various geographic areas, including Latin America. While the Four Seasons should not replicate their strategy entirely, it would be unwise to not utilize prior knowledge gains from countries, such as Uruguay, that are culturally very similar to Brazil. 2 EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM The average number of years of education for the population entering the workforce is five (Fraga & Bowler, eds. , 2008). Lack of a properly trained workforce could negatively impact the internal operations of the Four Seasons. Strangely, Brazil's public universities are excellent in contrast to the country's under-resourced primary and secondary schools (Fraga & Bowler, eds. , 2008). Accordingly, Four Seasons should consider partnering with local universities to provide internships, job opportunities, or management training programs. Apart from managers, Brazil's poor education standards may not adversely affect Four Seasons because the company heavily emphasizes personality, rather than work experience, in recruiting and selection. Instead, Four Seasons relies on its comprehensive training program to provide the skills necessary to perform required tasks and meet the company’s core standards. 3 GENDER ISSUES Common among several Latin American countries is the notion of machismo, the belief that males are superior to females (â€Å"Doing Business in Brazil,† 2007). Machismo is perpetuated through society with the assignment of traditional roles to men and women. While this view has recently been challenged due to the influx of Brazilian women into both higher education and the workforce (â€Å"Doing Business in Brazil,† 2007), managers should be aware that it exists. Furthermore, many customers of Four Seasons will be from foreign countries where the same gender norms are not present. 4 NORMATIVE BUSINESS PRACTICES Recognizing that normative business practices vary across borders will be pivotal in succeeding in the Brazilian market, as Brazilian local businesses comprise one of Four Seasons’ target markets. In addition, familiarity with the business culture can affect the outcome with essential local suppliers. Foreign managers can earn the respect of local associates and illustrate the importance of their relationship by engaging in the local business customs. Upon meeting an associate for the first time, men should shake hands accompanied by a pat on the shoulder or arm and women should give a kiss on each cheek (â€Å"Doing Business in Brazil,† 2007). While Brazilians are very informal and prefer to be addressed by their first name, some sort of title such as Doctor or Professor usually accustoms it (â€Å"Brazil: First Name or Title? ,† 2008). Brazilians tend to be extremely extroverted and friendly and close physical contact while conversing is considered normal (â€Å"Brazil: Conversation,† 2008); also, be prepared for personal questions. Gifts are not necessary at a first meeting (â€Å"Brazil: Gift Giving,† 2010). Since the majority of employees will be Brazilian nationals, normative business practices affect the Four Seasons internal operations in addition to outside relationships. Due to the country's collectivist nature, Brazilians do not work at private desks, but instead, share a large space with several coworkers (â€Å"Doing Business in Brazil,† 2007). If the Four Seasons structures the work environment accordingly, managers must realize that shared workspace results in a constant mix of personal and work-related conversations and plan deadlines accordingly. Besides workspace, Brazil's collectivist culture also impacts break schedule. Brazilians usually take their lunch breaks simultaneously (â€Å"Doing Business in Brazil,† 2007). If the Four Seasons agrees to this practice, scheduling will need to account for huge shift changes. A Canadian business manager will be horrified if unaware of the routine aspects of a business meeting. Meetings do not begin on time; a meeting normally begins twenty to thirty minutes past the agreed upon time. Once a meeting commences, the setting is very informal. A large portion of time at the onset is dedicated to personal conversations. Throughout the meeting, it is not unusual for attendees to take phone calls or leave the room. (â€Å"Doing Business in Brazil,† 2007) Hence, meetings do not serve as an efficient avenue to establish an immediate outcome. Negotiations require time, as Brazilian managers prefer to discuss agreements or disputes among themselves privately; this stems from the collectivist and feminine nature of the culture (Gillespie, Jeannet, & Hennessey, 2007). These differences can be curtailed with the help of a local representative, however, each non-Brazilian manager must acknowledge the lengthy time required to close a deal in order to provide realistic schedule projections and deadlines. 2 POLITICAL ENVIRONMENT 1 POLTICAL SYSTEM Brazil instituted a federal republic system of government in 1985 following the end of military rule. The structure grants a substantial power to the elected president who holds office for four years with the opportunity for one additional term if reelected. The president reserves the right to elect his/her cabinet, while the people elect members of Congress. Congress represents Brazil’s twenty-six states and sole federal district of Brasilia through two groups: an 81-seat Senate and a 513-member Chamber of Duties. Within Congress, majority power constantly transitions as representatives switch political parties often. (Background Note: Brazil, 2010) 2 POLTICAL SITUATION Currently, Luiz Inacio da Silva is nearing the end of his second term of presidency. The upcoming election is scheduled for October 3, 2010 for a new president. President Luiz Inacio da Silva is using his popularity among Brazilian citizens to support candidate Dilma Rousseff. Rousseff's main opponent, Jose Serra, currently holds an early poll advantage. Regardless of the winner of the October election, the Four Seasons will not be significantly affected as both candidates are expected to continue economic reform and the privatization of industries. (The Economic Intelligence Unit Group, 2010) 3 DOING BUSINESS IN RANKINGS    |Canada |Brazil | |Rank |Doing Business 2010 |Doing Business 2010 | |Ease of Doing Business |8 |129 | |Starting a Business |2 |126 | |Dealing with Construction Permits |29 113 | |Employing Workers |17 |138 | |Registering Property |35 |120 | |Getting Credit |30 |87 | |Protecting Investors |5 |73 | |Paying Taxes |28 |150 | |Trading Across Borders |38 |100 | |Enforcing Contracts |58 |100 | |Closing a Business |4 |131 | (The World Bank Group, 2 010) While conducting business in its home country is much easier than it is in Brazil, Four Seasons operates in more than thirty-five countries, two of which, India and Syria, rank below Brazil in â€Å"Ease of Doing Business† (The World Bank Group, 2010). Seeing as the Four Seasons is a successful multinational enterprise with deep pockets, the struggle to receive credit in Brazil does present a considerable hurdle for the company. To avoid difficulties related to trading across borders, Four Seasons should obtain necessary tangible components of its operations from local suppliers. In addition, local products will facilitate a good relationship with the local environment as well as provide a more authentic experience for guests. Areas that would be of trouble to Four Seasons include enforcing contracts, dealing with construction permits and registering property within Brazil. Fortunately, because the company specializes solely in management, much of the responsibilities associated to troublesome aspects will be shifted to their partner. A local Brazilian partner would be optimal since strong networking and contacts can help alleviate the burdens related to obtaining contracts and permits. Although Brazil is characterized as a new growth market, the World Bank Group’s Doing Business Rankings demonstrate Brazil’s institutional weaknesses that are more align with a developing market. For instance, employing workers is extremely difficult within Brazil compared to the rest of the world. A lack of transaction facilitators, such as executive headhunters, makes it extremely burdensome to locate and recruit employees that possess the necessary skills to be successful at Four Seasons. This absence especially poses a challenge to Four Seasons because its sustainable competitive advantage of superior customer service is facilitated through its employees. Although not as difficult as employing workers, enforcing contracts presents a significant threat to businesses operating within Brazil. Due to a lack of adjudicators, firms will find it arduous to verify payment or reliability of contractual partners. This problem is further exacerbated by the nonexistence of credibility enhancers and informational analyzers that assist with partner selection. 4 POLITICAL RISK According to The Coface Group, Brazil received an A4 in both Country Rating Risk and Business Climate Risk (2010). An A4 rating indicates an unstable political and economic environment (The Coface Group, 2010). Volatile conditions pose an enormous threat to Four Seasons due to the amount of direct investment needed to offer its service. Unlike a product offering, the Four Seasons does not have the ability to immediately exit, or temporarily leave, the market. In an effort to curtail the effects of drastic changes, Four Seasons should create a managerial position solely dedicated to environmental scanning. This person should be aware of the significant changes and how they will affect company forecasts. An unstable environment can greatly deter customers from visiting the Four Seasons, particularly the primary target segment of brand loyal guests. If a brand loyal guest is interested in visiting Latin America, they have the option of staying in a Four Seasons located in Costa Rica, Mexico, Argentina, or Uruguay if Brazil appears dangerous and/or unsafe. 5 CORRUPTION Transparency International ranked Brazil 75 out of 180 countries with a score of 3. 7 out of 10; 0 represents high corruption (2009). Despite the Four Seasons’ experience in highly corrupt countries such as China, Argentina, Egypt, India, Mexico and Syria (Transparency International, 2009), Four Seasons must adequately prepare for the effects of corruption in Brazil. It should incorporate the knowledge gained from the past by consulting senior managers involved in highly corrupt countries to produce contingency plans. However, it is important that the company recognizes differences between countries. For this, Four Seasons should consider using a Brazilian partner. A local partner possesses knowledge of the local community and business environment and can offer an insider perspective on solving obstacles that arise out of corruption. Furthermore, a local partner holds local contacts that may be utilized to sidestep corrupt organizations or dealings. 6 FOREIGN RELATIONS Brazil remains open and friendly toward the majority of countries, especially its South American neighbors. Recently, Brazil has focused on expanding relations with its neighbors through associations such as the Latin American Integration Association (ALADI), the Union of South American Nations (UNASUL), and Mercosur, a customs union between Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Brazil, with Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador as associate members. (Background Note: Brazil, 2010) Openness toward foreign nations ensures embargoes, or other forms of impediments, will not disrupt imports. While Four Seasons should procure components from local suppliers to enhance its relationship with the environment, the company does not need to spend time concerned over delivery of its imported supplies. For imported aspects, Four Seasons should examine countries that are involved in the Mercosur customs union to take advantage of less costly tariffs and/or taxes. Apart from products, Brazil’s openness ensures that travelers will not confront burdensome procedures to enter the country or hostility from Brazilian citizens when visiting. 3 ECONOMIC ENVIRONMENT 1 OVERVIEW Due to a shift toward market liberalization, Brazil has more than doubled its trade flows in the past four years. While portfolio investment has increased, foreign direct investment inflows hit record levels in 2007 and 2008. However, in 2008, Brazil registered its first current-account deficit in five years as a result of a sudden increase in imports. President Luiz Inacio da Silva has focused on a floating exchange rate, inflation targeting, and primary fiscal surpluses to enhance macroeconomic policies, and therefore, increase Brazil’s global competitiveness. These factors have lead Brazil’s economy to shift toward a more service-oriented market. Nevertheless, the agricultural sector and diverse industrial base continue to function as enormous drivers of growth. (Fraga & Bowler, eds. , 2008) 2 CURRENCY The modern real was introduced on July 1, 1994 to stabilize the broader Brazilian economy. When introduced, the real was set equivalent to 1 unidade real de valor, a non-circulating currency which ultimately set the real equivalent to 1 US dollar. Initially, the real climbed against many major currencies. Strong capital in-flows supported a strong real through late 1995. By 1996, the Central Bank of Brazil instituted tight controls over the real to bring the currency’s value down. The currency depreciated slowly through 1998, but the Central Bank relaxed controls in 1999 and the real experienced a sudden devaluation. From 1999 to 2002, the currency remained relatively volatile vis-a-vis major orld currencies. By mid-2002, the real reached an all-time low against the Canadian dollar, along with many major currencies, including the US dollar. The presidential election in late 2002 brought long needed stability to the Brazilian currency. From late 2002 to October 2008, the real s lowly appreciated against the Canadian dollar and other major currencies. When the financial crisis hit in late 2008, the currency bounced from rates not seen since 2001 to around R$2:C$1. Since the crisis, the currency has again been slowly appreciating against the Canadian dollar. In recent months, the real has been slightly depreciating against the Canadian dollar. Overall, the Brazilian real remains a relatively stable currency, especially among Latin American currencies. This will benefit the Four Seasons, as it repatriates profits to headquarters and pays local suppliers. However, as with any foreign currency — especially those in new growth markets — immunity from fluctuation isn’t a rule. New regimes can negatively affect currency, as well as Brazil’s significant current account deficit, significant government spending on the World Cup and Olympics and susceptibility to inflation. Four Seasons plans on pricing in US dollars, which appeals to many of its target markets and is consistent with Four Seasons across the globe. 3 INFLATION Since 2003, Brazil has been successful in easing inflation pressures on account of strict monetary policy and an appreciation of the Real (Fraga & Bowler, eds. , 2008). Yet recently, inflation has rose in recent months owing mainly to the global recession as well as increased wages and inertial pressures within the country. The Central Bank of Brazil has set a target of 4. 5% for 2010. The Economic Intelligence Unit is optimistic, predicting that inflation will fall 4. 8% to 2. 5% between 2010 and 2011. (The Economic Intelligence Unit Group, 2010) Four Seasons must constantly monitor the inflation rate once within Brazil. If the EIU is correct, a 2. 3% change in the inflation rate will have an enormous impact on the operations (The Economic Intelligence Unit Group, 2010). Brazil will need to constantly change their prices in order to keep up with large-scale changes. Fortunately, the majority of price postings occur through the company’s website allowing the company to avoid immense costs required to reprint materials. Higher inflation translates into higher prices not only for Four Seasons guests, but also for components the hotel buys from local suppliers or imports from other countries. Additionally, Four Seasons may consider using employee contracts that adjust for inflation to curb anger associated with loss of purchasing power. Luckily, the EIU predicts inflation to decrease and remain relatively stable in the future at 2. % (The Economic Intelligence Unit Group, 2010), limiting negative consequences incurred by operations. 4 LABOR CODES The Brazilian government requires all companies, foreign and domestic, to provide specific elements to its employees including thirty days of annual leave, an annual bonus equal to one month’s sala ry, and severance pay if dismissed without a cause. Additionally, if a firm employs more than three employees, Brazilian nationals must account for two-thirds of the total employees and payroll. Brazil has instituted a system of labor courts to handle workplace disputes involving working conditions, wages, dismissal, etc. (The Department of Commerce, 2009) It would be ill advised to ignore government employment requirements. Not only would the company risk being forced out of the market, Four Seasons would incur a tarnished reputation within the global arena. When hiring and scheduling future employees, Four Seasons must account for each individual’s thirty days of leave; the firm must decide whether it will assign vacation time or negotiate with employees for specific requests. If two-thirds of payroll must be distributed to Brazilian nationals, Four Seasons should scan the local environment for senior management positions, as these executives tend to comprise a large portion of pay. As Four Seasons offers a service requiring an array of different workers, the company must find a way to ooperate with highly unionized Brazilian workforce; currently, over 16,000 unions exist who are very well organized and are not hesitant to use aggressive methods (The Department of Commerce, 2009). A local partner may possess pertinent information to help alleviate any contentions that may arise. 5 INFRASTRUCTURE President Luiz Inacio da Silva announced the Growth Acceleration Plan in 2007, which committed a US $296 million investment in infrastructure by the end of 2010. Although the GAP is promising, Brazil’s infrastructure remains one of the largest obstacles within the economy. Poor quality and numerous deficiencies remain in roads, ports and airports; no passenger trains travel outside the suburbs of major cities and only 12. 5% of the existing roads are paved. (The Department of Commerce, 2009) While the 2016 Summer Olympics should increase incentives for private companies to improve infrastructure, Four Seasons must contemplate the effects of a poor transportation system. It may want to consider sourcing the majority of its tangible components from nearby local suppliers to ensure secure and fast delivery. Furthermore, imports are more likely to be priced higher on account of the inefficiencies within the infrastructure. A foreign direct investment is an option to increase efficiency and satisfaction; Four Seasons should investigate options near the hotel in addition to routes travelers predominately use. For example, it could form a strategic alliance with another firm to enhance the roads to and from the airport. 4 LEGAL ENVIRONMENT 1 INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY Brazil is a signatory to various agreements—Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property (TRIPS) Agreement, the Bern Convention on Artistic Property, the Patent Cooperation Treaty, and the Paris Convention on Protection of Intellectual Property—committing the government to stringent protection of intellectual property rights. The decision to take part in international contracts was the country’s first realistic step toward putting an end to issues such as copyright infringement, however, piracy and counterfeiting remains a problem within Brazil. (The Department of Commerce, 2009) While Four Seasons does not possess a substantial amount of intellectual property that would threaten its existence, it does need to consider violations when procuring components for its hotel, particularly authentic furniture, decorations and artwork. It would be wise for Four Seasons to implement a system used to differentiate genuine pieces from others. 2 ENTRY MODE Four Seasons, or any foreign or domestic private entity, may establish, own, and dispose of business entities allowing the company to chose any entry mode grounded solely in its own decision making (The Department of Commerce, 2009). Although a lack of government regulation offers the firm freedom of choice, it would be extremely useful to use a local representative to own the hotel building itself. As previously mentioned, Brazil is a highly collectivist culture that requires an extensive amount of time dedicated to relationship building to be successful in procuring supplies, building contracts, permits, etc. A local partner possesses established networks that can be utilized to sidestep regulations and corruption in addition to knowledge specific to the Brazilian environment. 3 IMPORTS Brazil imports are subject to three separate taxes: Import Duty (II), Federal Industrialized Product tax (IPI) and the State Merchandise and Service Circulation tax (ICMS) (The Department of Commerce, 2009). Because both the IPI and ICMS are value-added taxes (The Department of Commerce, 2009), imports end up becoming very expensive for customers. Unless a specific tangible component is critical to the success of Four Seasons, it would be in the country’s best interest to purchase supplies from local businesses to avoid high prices pushed down to the customer because of high taxes. High import taxes paired with Brazil’s poor infrastructure will threaten the safe and efficient obtainment of products. If the Four Seasons depends on certain aspects from headquarters, or another Four Seasons location, it should be aware that the foreign entity must register with Foreign Trade Secretariat (SECEX) in order to conduct trade with Brazil. 4 TRADE AGREEMENTS Brazil has established bilateral investment agreements with numerous countries including Belgium, Luxembourg, Chile, Cuba, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Republic of Korea, Netherlands, Portugal, Switzerland, United Kingdom and Venezuela; however, the Brazilian Congress has not yet ratified any of these. (The Department of Commerce, 2009) Brazil has signed Mercosur, a regional trade agreement, between itself and Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, and Brazil, with Chile, Bolivia, Peru, Colombia, and Ecuador as associate members (The Department of Commerce, 2009). If imports are required, Brazil should heavily consider sourcing from countries involved to significantly decrease costs associated with imports. Furthermore, Brazil maintains a double taxation with Canada, making imports from its headquarters extremely expensive. 5 LABELING Labeling requirements should not present Four Seasons with a notable barrier. Firstly, the primary focus of the company is services, not products. Besides the gift shop and food menus, Brazil will rarely encounter barriers in labeling. Secondly, The Brazilian Customer Protection Code does not call for unconventional or outlandish. Specifically, labeling must â€Å"provide the consumer with precise and easily readable information about the product’s quality, quantity, composition, price, guarantee, shelf life, origin, and risks to the consumer’s health and safety† (The Department of Commerce, 2009). The only hurdle Four Seasons may encounter relating to labeling is a Portuguese translation and metric equivalent to the requirements listed above. 6 PROMOTION Direct mail is emerging in Brazil as a very useful method for reaching Brazilian consumers; citizens receive an average of 9. 3 pieces of direct mail every month and 74% of Brazilians prefer direct mail to create awareness of a new product or service (The Department of Commerce, 2009). Four Seasons is encouraged to use direct mail to target local businesses and community members within its promotional aspect of its marketing campaign. It should especially use Veja, the most popular magazine in Brail with an average of one million copies dispersed a week, and Folha de Sao Paulo, the largest newspaper with an average of 317,000 copies distributed Monday through Friday and 400,00 on Sunday (The Department of Commerce, 2009). Media in Brail is still heavily controlled through the public sector; foreign ownership is limited to 49% (The Department of Commerce, 2009). This should not affect Four Seasons greatly since the company avoids advertisements in mass media outlets. Also, the majority of Four Seasons target segments does not reside in Brazil. 2 COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS Many multinationals, especially Four Seasons traditional competitors, have yet to enter the Brazilian market or only have a small presence in Rio de Janeiro. Additionally, there are only a small number of luxury local brands in Rio de Janeiro that are capable of competing with Four Seasons. In many regards, Brazil remains a relatively untapped market, though a number of international brands have recently begun eyeing the market, including Hilton. With the increased opportunity in Brazil, now more than ever may be a great time to enter the young market, armed with the experience learned through other brands’ ventures. 1 MAJOR COMPETITORS 1 PESTANA HOTELS AND RESORTS (PORTUGAL) Pestana is Portugal’s largest tourism and leisure group, operating 41 hotels across 3 continents in countries with former colonial ties to Portugal (Pestana, n. d. ). Pestana entered Brazil via Rio de Janeiro in 1999 with a local partner, Renato Albuquerque Group (â€Å"Grupo da Madeira investe US$25 milhoes no Brasil,† 1999). Rather than building a new establishment, the company acquired the Carlton Rio Atlantica hotel, modernized the establishment, and added a new business center to attract business travelers (â€Å"Grupo Pestana lanca cartao no Rio,† 2001). Since 1999, Pestana has been heavily investing in Brazil and considers Rio de Janeiro a focal point for the company (â€Å"Grupo Pestana lanca cartao no Rio,† 2001). By 2001, Brazil accounted for 20% of Pestana’s hotel business (â€Å"Grupo Pestana reforca atuacao no Pais,† 2001). By 2004, the company had opened 6 hotels across Brazil with the stated goal of opening 10 more hotels within the next 10 years. The company’s significant investment in the market – $110 million by 2004 – has brought increased legitimacy and credibility to the Brazilian market as an opportunity for luxury and business travel, according to Francisco Rabelo, financing director for Bank of Northeastern Brazil. This significant growth has been fueled by the company’s success in the country: the company has achieved an average annual return of 31% on its investments and the country is already its best performing territory in Pestana’s portfolio. The Director of the Finance and Investment Promotion Department of Brazil's Tourism Ministry said the group was one of the largest hotel groups in Brazil; by 2005 the company was expected to have 400,000 room-nights in the country, more than any other hotel chain (Renata, 2006). One of Pestana’s most palpable assets is its intimate understanding of Portuguese culture, being a Portuguese company. Brazil’s cultural and colonial ties to Portugal make the Brazilian market a particularly attractive market for Pestana, and as the company’s exceptional returns have demonstrated, Pestana is taking full advantage of its country-of-origin effects. With the company’s high knowledge of local culture and Brazil’s cultural similarity to Portugal, the company is able to keep the services within Brazil appear as very localized without adapting its standardized services much. This is a trend Pestana has demonstrated in the past, as it only enters markets with cultural ties to its home market (Pestana, n. d. ). In this sense, Pestana can maintain a relatively standardized offering while appearing to be adapting to the local context. This intimate knowledge of Brazilian culture will be rewarding, as other multinationals don’t have access to or credibility with local culture. Another unique advantage that Pestana has is its ability to build pousadas within Brazil. Pousadas are boutique, luxury hotels that encapsulate Portuguese culture. Until 2003, the Portuguese government was responsible for developing and managing the hotels. Pestana bought the sole rights to building pousadas from the Portuguese government in 2003, though the government maintains highly involved in overseeing each new pousada to ensure it meets minimum standards (Pousadas de Portugal, n. d. ). Pestana has expressed interest in bringing these unique products to Brazil and completed the construction of one in 1999. The company plans on expanding its offerings in the coming years in tandem with its commitment to building 10 hotels in the coming 10 years (Renata, 2006). These hotels automatically connect with locals and foreigners abroad who want an authentic experience in Brazil. No other hotel chain can emulate these boutique hotels – even localizing a hotel as much as possible won’t replicate a pousada as it won’t have the unique stamp by the Portuguese government. Moreover, pousadas are often located in historic buildings, making them even more of an attractive destination (Pousadas de Portugal, n. d. ). Pousadas have the possibility of attracting travelers interested in an authentic experience without the risk of traveling to an unknown hotel. Travelers can experience luxurious accommodations and proven service in the local context of pure and authentic Portuguese culture, service and food. In fact, Brazil's Minister of Tourism has said that pousads will attract a higher class of tourists who are willing to pay additional money for the unique experience (Renata, 2006). Another strength Pestana has demonstrated is its ability to connect with locals and operate efficiently within the local political and economic environment. Across Brazil, Pestana has demonstrated a tendency to enter cities by acquiring local hotels, as it did in Rio de Janeiro and Natal. This ensures that the hotels Pestana operates have a distinctly local flair and enable the company to penetrate the market quicker, avoiding lengthy construction times. The company also enters local markets with local partners, though it uses different partners in different cities. This willingness to share ownership gives the company powerful local allies and gives the company legitimacy among locals. These are important strengths, as many other multinationals are less successful at navigating Brazil’s complicated and corrupt government. Moreover, entering a market with a local partner shifts risk and offers the company invaluable local knowledge. A possible weakness the group has is its organizational structure. The group maintains an International Division Organization structure. While Pestana only operates in markets based on the Portuguese culture, countries with similar histories still vary greatly in terms of market power, government regulation and destination type. By clumping all international destinations under one group, the company may fail to fully take advantage of each market or understand each market. The company’s lack of resources committed solely to Brazil may enable competitors to build a structure that is more flexible and responsive to trends and changes within the Brazilian market. Further, as the company begins expanding outside Brazil into other South American countries, the company may continue to dilute its attention to Brazil, thereby rendering many of its potential strengths as much less poignant. A final weakness of the company is its intense focus on growth. Between its 10 hotels in 10 years policy in Brazil, and its overarching 30 hotels in 30 years policy, Pestana may begin to focus on quantity above quality. While the company’s unique products and intimate knowledge of Portuguese culture may attract luxury travelers at first, maintaining the high quality and service standards demanded by the business traveler and luxury leisure traveler may to be difficult amidst such an emphasis on growth. Finally, as the number of hotels owned by Pestana surges, the company may saturate the market and devalue the novelty of its brand. The hotels may become less alluring and less of a destination as they become ubiquitous and commonplace. 2 STARWOOD HOTELS & RESORTS (UNITED STATES) AND GOLDEN TULIP HOSPITALITY (SWITZERLAND) Starwood is one of the world’s largest and most geographically diverse hotel and leisure companies. The company is primarily a hotel management corporation, responsible for luxury brands The Luxury Collection, Regis, W and Le Meridien and other midrange brands Westin, Sheraton and Element (Starwood Hotels & Resorts). Until recently, the company’s sole exposure to Rio de Janeiro was its three Sheraton hotels, two of which lacked a spa. While the hotels have meeting faculties, the hotels don’t appear in trade magazines as specifically targeting the business community. As such, these three hotels are not considered to be in direct competition to the Four Seasons because they do not focus on any of our target markets. On June 12, 2009, Starwood acquired Golden Tulip Hospitality, a global hospitality company with a strong focus on the corporate traveler. Tulip manages three hotel chains, including the upscale Golden Tulip, which focuses on business travelers, and the luxurious Royal Tulip, which focuses on leisure travelers (Golden Tulip Hospitality). Tulip has one property in Rio de Janeiro, the Golden Tulip Ipanema Plaza. The property has a spa and complete business center. The hotel’s focus on corporate travel finally endorses Starwood as a viable competitor in the Rio de Janeiro market. Tulip is a unique hotel insomuch as it relies on international standards of service, yet has been relatively successful at integrating local flavors into its brand. The company advertises its local touches through its advertising campaign, â€Å"International standards, local flavors. † Tulip’s worldwide presence also lends it strong appeal and acceptance worldwide, especially among the luxury and business traveler. This is, in part, due to its global standards of service that international travelers have come to know and rely on. Tulip’s ability to incorporate local culture into a standardized brand is a powerful competitive advantage. Maintaining standard levels of service is important to the international traveler, as it assures him/her what to expect when traveling and builds brand equity. However, by maintaining these standards and adding local culture into each property, Tulip finds a middle ground between standardization and adaptation. This is a strategy that enables the company to remain flexible to local demands and local clients, but also cater to international travelers. One strength of the Starwood’s acquisition of Tulip is Tulip’s acceptance among the international elite. Until the acquisition, Starwood’s two luxury brands – St. Regis and the Luxury Collection – did not have properties in Brazil. This acquisition gives Starwood immediate penetration into Rio with a familiar and proven portfolio of properties. With Starwood’s and Tulip’s combined international experience, the group can effectively begin targeting the elite traveler more vigorously. Co-branding opportunities and brand extension opportunities also exist, as both hotel companies have more luxurious brands they could deploy in Rio de Janeiro if the Golden Tulip proves successful. Moreover, Starwood’s large reserve of loyal guests gives the combined company an automatic target market from which to draw. A final strength of the merger is Starwood’s and Tulip’s global footprint and established luxury brands lend it credence among the international elite. The company’s brand equity is an important strategic asset that can be used to connect with world travelers and attract them to their properties in Brazil. Starwood’s skill at managing a portfolio of multiple brands is important, as Tulip becomes another brand that Starwood can leverage, advertise and use to attract travelers. One potential weakness of the merger is the possibility that incongruous corporate cultures may stymie the companies’ ability to synergize strengths and build a comprehensive network. As with any merger, it takes time to fully integrate a new company into an existing company, and Starwood must be able to keep Tulip’s corporate culture in tact if it hopes to reap the benefits of the company’s strengths. If Starwood tries to change or adapt Tulip too much, it will lose Tulip’s connections with the business traveler and the company’s unique ability to combine international standards with local adaptation. Starwood must focus on maintaining Tulip’s brand identity and equity, while simultaneously merging the company into its portfolio to fully realize a competitive advantage. Another possible weakness is Starwood’s limited exposure to the Brazilian market, especially Rio de Janeiro’s luxury market. While Tulip has been in Brazil for some time, and both companies have experience in the luxury segment, Starwood is less familiar with the luxury hotel segment in Brazil than some of its existing competitors. This lack of experience could prove to be harmful if Starwood is not careful in executing operations, especially since the Brazilian market has proven to be difficult for international brands to tap. Starwood and Tulip both lack a positive country-of-origin effect, as the Brazilian market has proven to be fiercely loyal to local and Portuguese brands. Assuming that the namesake of its hotels will make the company successful could prove to be an unsuccessful route for the company to head. MARRIOTT INTERNATIONAL (UNITED STATES) Marriott is one of the world’s largest lodging companies with over 3,000 hotels spread across 67 countries. Marriott primarily franchises under an array of brands, including the luxurious J. W. Marriott and Ritz Carlton and other full-service and oth er mid-tier hotels (Marriott). Marriott entered Rio de Janeiro in 2001, focusing its efforts on attracting luxury business travelers to respond to the country’s bourgeoning market (â€Å"Hotels check into Brazil†). The opening of the J. W. Marriott in 2001 marked the city’s first new five-star resort in over 12 years (â€Å"A new Rio de Janeiro Marriott Hotel,† 2001). The J. W. Marriott is one of Brazil’s two multinational hotels on Travel + Leisure’s â€Å"World’s Best Hotels 2010† list, a comprehensive listing on the world’s 500 best hotels (â€Å"T+L 500: World's Best Hotels 2010,† n. d. ). The hotel offers a full-service spa, executive floor, complete business facilities and banquet halls and on-site restaurants. Before opening the hotel, Marriott sold off its stake in the hotel with the help of a local consulting firm. However, the acquisition of land along with the initial costs and design were all sponsored by Marriott without the specific help of locals. Marriott retained control over management of the hotel (â€Å"Rede Marriott e Odebrecht colocam hotel carioca a venda†). Marriott is the largest and most recognized multinational brand currently in Brazil. The J. W. Marriott brand, in particular, has resonance with our target markets, especially luxury travelers, as demonstrated by its placement on the Travel + Leisure rankings. This is a powerful asset, as the combination of brand equity, name recognition and recognized quality may connect with luxury world travelers. Moreover, the company’s worldwide presence and name recognition may also resonate with business travelers who are already familiar with the brand and trust the hotel to be a quality establishment. A major weakness the hotel faces also stems from its name. Like other multinational chains discussed, Brazilians prefer local hotels. The negative country-of-origin effects have hurt Marriott, as US flags are not necessarily familiar locally since Brazilians’ exposure to these brands is significantly more limited and Brazilians tend to be attracted to local brands. This is a weakness the company faces when targeting local visitors and businesses, another target market that the Four Seasons is hoping to target. Another weakness Marriott faces is its lack of local partnerships. When entering the market, Marriott did not search for a partner. This is in stark contrast to other successful chains, especially since Marriott lacks experience in the Brazilian market overall. According to the CEO: In order to move forward, we will need to find common ground with the Brazilian business model and probably take some equity positions in some of the developments to gain market knowledge and brand acknowledgement. A second option is to enter with our existing relationships through local partners to implement our manage-franchise business model (O'Neill & Chao, 2008). Coming from a country with significantly different normative business practices and limited exposure to Brazilian culture – despite its significant international presence – has proven a difficult obstacle for Marriott. This is an important weakness to consider for all multinational companies, especially those unfamiliar with the Brazilian marketplace. A final weakness Marriott faces is its pricing structure, which is higher than many of its competitors. While the hotel has higher rankings than other multinationals, if the benefits of the brand are not properly communicated, the hotel may seem overpriced. Moreover, if the hotel does not distinguish itself as luxurious, the company may face problems persuading international travelers to choose an American hotel chain over a more localized chain. 4 COPACABANA PALACE BY ORIENT-EXPRESS HOTELS (BERMUDA) The Copacabana Palace is a historic, luxury hotel built in 1923. It is considered by many around the world as the place to stay in Rio (Doyle, 2009). The Copacabana Palace is one of three hotels on Travel + Leisure’s â€Å"World’s Best Hotels 2010† list located in Brazil (â€Å"T+L 500: World's Best Hotels 2010,† n. d. ). Additionally, the hotel is a member of the 5 Star Alliance, an online travel agency that partners with the world’s most luxurious hotels. Owned by the Guinle family of Rio de Janiero until 1989, the hotel is now owned by Orient-Express (Five Star Alliance, n. d. ). Orient-Express purchases individual luxury hotels across the globe. The company does not advertise itself as a chain, rather positioning each property individually. Properties are managed locally: â€Å"every hotel†¦has its own name and personality† (Orient-Express, n. d. ). Following its purchase, Orient-Express renovated the hotel, outfitting the fifth floor as an executive business center to focus on business travelers. The hotel includes meeting facilities and banquet facilities, all aimed at business travelers’ needs (Five Star Alliance, n. d. ). The hotel also focuses significantly on elite travelers, as its reputation for service and quality attract politicians, royalty and actors. The hotel has a complete spa and two restaurants, neither of which serves Brazilian cuisine (Five Star Alliance, n. d. ). An important advantage the Copacabana Palace has is its legacy and long-term association with Brazil. From its beginnings, the company has been intertwined into local culture. The owners were local and today, Orient-Express continues to manage the hotel as an independent property. Many view the hotel as the nation’s preeminent local option, and foreigners who want an authentic experience may opt to stay at the Copacabana Palace over other multinational chains. The hotel’s brand equity is particularly strong, as it is a clear favorite among elite travelers. The company’s increased focus on business travelers further expands the hotel’s brand equity and product scope. Another strength the Copacabana Palace is its long history in Rio de Janeiro. The company’s experiences in Rio de Janeiro give it a level of knowledge foreign multinationals can’t match. Moreover, the company’s success in Rio de Janeiro reflects its ability to work within the country’s legal and political structure. As investment increases in Rio de Janeiro and new multinational chains enter the market, Copacabana’s deep understanding of local cultures and the regulatory environment will be exponentially more valuable. While the company is known to Brazilians and the well-traveled elite, a lack of a true multinational brand name may stymie some elite travelers. Not only does the company lack a network of brand loyal patrons, the lack of an internationally recognized brand name may make some travelers hesitant. Additionally, the hotel’s high price may make other, more familiar options more appealing to travelers, who are sure of the level of quality to expect. 5 FASANO HOTELS (BRAZIL) Fasano is one of the few remaining local competitors yet to be acquired. The company was established in 1982 as a world-class restaurant; the company remains recognized for its culinary achievements. The restaurant pioneered the gastronomic movement in Brazil and continues to uphold its elegant blend of contemporary and traditional Brazilian cuisine. In 2003, Fasano opened its first hotel in Sao Paulo. In the same year, Fasano became a member of the Leading Small Hotels of the World (Five-Star Alliance) and was ranked as one of the world’s 50 best hotels in Travel + Leisure (Fasano, 2010). Fasano opened a hotel in Rio de Janeiro in 2007 amid great hype and reviews, â€Å"eclipsing the fabled Copacabana Palace as the top play den for Brazil’s rich and famous† (Beehner). From its foundation to the finishing touches, Fasano is a local competitor. This is a significant strength the hotel has, as its numerous restaurants all share the spirit of Fasano’s famed culinary expertise. The hotel is designed in Bossa Nova-chic style and Brazilian touches compliment every aspect of the hotel. More than any competitor, Fasano remains a localized and focused hotelier, and has limited experience outside the growing Brazilian market. Fasano is a traveler’s only real option, when he/she wants to stay at a local, luxury resort. Every other luxury boutique hotel has been acquired or is at a different tier of service than Four Seasons. Another strength Fasano has is its long-term, strategic partnership with real-estate developer JHSF. This has given Fasano access to the Brazilian market and enabled the company to take less risky positions in its hotels as JHSF has a 50. 1% stake in the hotel. This also frees up capital for other ventures, as the company is currently building additional properties in Brazil and Uruguay. A possible weakness of Fasano is its lack of experience managing hotels and meeting the expectations of guests, especially foreigners. As Brazil’s most expensive hotel, the elite guests who frequent Fasano have incredibly high expectations. While multinationals have experiences with such clientele, Fasano does not have the same expertise in dealing with this segment and may be overextending its existing resources in an attempt to compete with world-class contenders. Indeed, excitement over the hotel has faded since its opening in 2007 and the company continues to charge a significant premium over every other Brazilian hotel. Another weakness is the company’s