Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Inventing A Writing Technology :: Teaching Writing Education Essays

â€Å"Inventing† A Writing Technology When we originally were given the criteria for this assignment, I knew right away what it was that I was going to do. I love being creative and sharing my ideas with other people, I like to think of myself as somewhat of an original person. My idea would initially satisfy all of the given criteria: permanence, portability, creativity, and naturalness of the components used to compose my creative piece of writing. Growing up, my brother and I would venture out when the creek was frozen and play on the ice for hours on end. One of the things we would do was carve out the ice to make picture, games and such. I knew that for his project, using ice would be an excellent idea. I knew it was fairly easy to do, it would stay there for as long as the creek continued to be frozen, and if necessary, it could be cut out and taken along to wherever I needed to go. When I arrived at my parent’s house, I headed straight for the creek with the plan in mind only to find that the ice was snow covered. I was down, but not out. After shoveling the ice, I was ready to begin my carving only to find that the ice was bubbly and definitely not smooth enough to be a recognizable writing surface. My plan was shot, I had come home for nothing. From this point on, I was forced to come up with an alternative plan of action. I thought of many things to use such as sticks and stones, but they would all sink into the snow if I placed them there and where not very portable or permanent if laid upon the ice. After weighing my options and a great deal of thought, I caught a glimpse of one of the many trees that line my creek bank. On the tree were many jagged icicles one of which I decide to use as my writing tool. My surface became the dreaded snow that was the culprit behind my initially foiled plan.

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